Meet Harry, the Paw Print OG 🐶

"An eight-year-old Cavoodle, Harry has always been an active and energetic member of our family. Recently, we noticed occasional stiffness when he got up after lying down, as well as intermittent lameness in different legs. Initially, we assumed it was a minor strain, something our vet also suspected without conducting further diagnostics.

"Likewise, after spending time with younger family members (i.e. watching them eat!), he would develop an irritable stomach. That's why we completed a Paw Print at-home DNA and wellness test, which lead us to discovering a deeper potential health concern—one that might have otherwise gone unnoticed."

Testing for answers.

Looking for more insights into Harry’s health, his owners completed the Paw Print at-home test. The test was designed to look at two specific areas:

  • A DNA Health Test to screen for genetic predispositions to diseases.
  • An Allergy & Intolerance Test to identify food and environmental sensitivities.

Both tests were simple to use, requiring only a saliva and fur sample, and the results provided invaluable insights into Harry’s well-being.

A potential spinal health risk

The DNA test revealed that Harry is at risk for Intervertebral Disc Disease (IVDD)—a genetic condition that can cause spinal disc degeneration, leading to pain, mobility issues, or even paralysis in severe cases. Given his occasional stiffness and lameness, this result provided a crucial clue that his symptoms could be more than just a pulled muscle.

Identifying dietary senstivities

Harry’s allergy & intolerance test showed sensitivities to certain foods, including beef, soy, lactose, and some grains. Since he often spends time around young children who love to share their snacks, his owners can now be more conscious of what he eats to prevent potential digestive discomfort, itching, or inflammation.

Taking action.

Armed with this knowledge, Harry’s owners are now making informed decisions to improve his health:

Managing IVDD risk

They have adjusted his lifestyle by reducing high-impact activities (e.g., jumping on and off furniture), introducing joint-supporting supplements, and monitoring his mobility more closely.

Eliminating trigger foods

They have removed high-sensitivity foods from his diet and are educating family members on safe treats for Harry.

Veterinary follow-up

While the DNA test is not a diagnosis, it has prompted a more targeted discussion with their vet, who can now assess Harry’s spine more proactively.

Harry’s case is a perfect example of how a simple, at-home health test can uncover essential health risks and sensitivities, helping pet owners make better care decisions. With early intervention, lifestyle adjustments, and proactive veterinary care, Harry is now set up for a healthier, happier future.

Want to learn more about how at-home health testing can benefit your beloved fur baby? Click here to learn more about the Paw Print wellness check.